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Winter Program for 3rd Graders
Give Your 3rd Grader a Boost in the New Year!

Gain a Reading Advantage

Strengthen Skills This Winter
Kids in our winter program gain core reading skills. They start the new year strong, with the tools to earn great grades and strong progress evaluations.

Build Confidence and Motivation
Our students experience success with reading, over and over again. They feel enthusiastic and prepared for new challenges in the second half of 3rd grade.

Discover All the Rewards of Reading
Reading during the school year doesn't have to be an afterthought! Our students are always having great experiences with terrific books. They keep learning and growing.

Our Winter Reading Program combines outstanding books and top-notch instruction to help kids start the new year off right, with all the skills for success.
Get Everything Your Child Needs to Excel This Winter

A 6-Week Reading Journey:
- Each week, your child will look forward to attending dynamic one-hour online classes that keep students engaged and excited.
- After each class, your child will receive structured reading assignments in outstanding chapter books, carefully selected for the right amount of challenge.
- Between classes, your child will complete self-paced interactive lessons designed to reinforce skill development and keep learning on track.
- Throughout the program, your child will receive professional instruction and guidance from a dedicated, knowledgeable reading teacher.
- At any point, your child can benefit from individual support through one-on-one appointments and our exclusive helpline.
Keep Your Child on Track During 3rd Grade
Our winter program provides a proven path for your child to improve key skills, increase confidence, and get really excited about books and reading. Click on the building blocks below to explore all the ways your child will benefit from this fun, effective program.
Strengthen Skills
One of the biggest challenges 3rd graders face is reading long words. We'll teach your child the decoding skills he or she needs to read multisyllabic words quickly and easily.
Fluency is the ability to read at a smooth, natural pace, without stopping to sound out words. We'll help your child become a skilled, fluent reader who is able to fully focus on the meaning of a story.
Understanding what you read is the key to success in all subjects, and it makes reading fun and rewarding. In our program, your child will develop strong reading comprehension and a rich vocabulary.
Build Confidence
Reading can be hard work. As your child masters new reading skills in this program, frustration, tears and resistance to reading will melt away.
In this program, your child will succeed with book after book. With strong reading skills, he or she will approach each new challenge thinking "I can do this!"
Great experiences with books are the best motivator for working on reading skills. Our expert teachers bring the wonderful books in our program to life and get kids excited about reading.
Become a Reader
With the skills your child develops in our program, he or she will be able to read with less effort and for longer periods of time in increasingly challenging books.
Discovering a love of books opens new worlds for children. Every book in our program will nurture your child's imagination, with exciting plots and engaging characters.
Regular reading has a big payoff for kids: stronger comprehension, a richer vocabulary, and greater success in school. This program will make reading an important part of your child's life, now and in the future.
How We Make Learning Last
Developing the habit of reading great books during our programs gives kids many opportunities to keep learning and growing as readers and students. There's no better way to ensure lasting success, all the way through school and into adulthood.
The impact of reading regularly - especially while school's in session - is staggering! In fact, by the time that they're in high school, students with a 20-minute per day habit can read over 1 million words in a single year. The more your child reads, the more skills he or she will master.

Decades of Excellence in Reading Instruction
The Institute of Reading Development offers programs in partnership with colleges and universities. Over the last 54 years, we’ve worked with more than 200 academic institutions to inspire over 3 million students to become skilled, enthusiastic readers.
In your area, we provide programs in partnership with: University of Richmond School of Professional & Continuing Studies

In your area, we provide programs in partnership with: University of Richmond School of Professional & Continuing Studies

Give Your Child the Reading Advantage
Winter Program
for 3rd Graders
Only $259
Plus $39 Materials & Shipping

We're an open book.
Let's discuss your child's reading development. Call today to speak with an Institute of Reading Development Program Advisor.
Call 1-800-470-2891