How Can I Boost My Child’s Confidence and Motivation?

The Keys to Becoming a Lifelong Reader: Confidence
Becoming a reader is hard work. Faced with a new book or reading assignment, confident readers say to themselves, “I can do this.” Enthusiastic readers take it a step further and say, “I am excited to do this!” Put the two together and the result is the ability and willingness to succeed with any reading challenge.
The Confidence to Keep Growing as a Reader
When strong, motivated readers finish a book, they have a sense of accomplishment. They are already looking forward to the next book on their list. They expect that, like this last book, the next one they plan to read will give them an informative, engaging, or even thrilling experience. This positive attitude inspires them to read more and more.
To get to a place of confidence and enthusiasm about reading, children don’t just need to learn new skills. They also need an encouraging learning environment where they can practice skills in wonderful, age-appropriate books and have great reading experiences.
Kids can find this kind of support by enrolling in reading classes led by trusted instructors, by participating in book clubs, or even by talking about great books with close friends and family members. The idea is to make reading wonderful books feel productive and enjoyable.
To get to a place of confidence and enthusiasm about reading, children don’t just need to learn new skills. They also need an encouraging learning environment where they can have great reading experiences.
A Positive Cycle for Developing Confidence
When kids gain enough confidence, they are motivated to read more for enjoyment. They discover that they really like books! By reading more, they allow themselves to build additional skills and keep evolving as readers. With the ability to read harder and harder books, their confidence and enthusiasm only continues to grow.
Before you know it, these children get into a positive cycle that strengthens and deepens their skills, confidence, and love of reading. They become readers for life.
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